2018-2019  Proposed Goals

    • Revamp committee structure of OA Council to improve effectiveness and reach 
    • Re-evaluate current organizational structure 
    • Establish a larger committee structure to meet Council goals


    • Begin progress on listening tour goals 
    • Complete Listening Tour Summary and Action Plan 
    • Review workplace climate survey results with Senate
    • Share action plan with campus partners 
    • Achieve engagement from campus units on measurable progress


    • Enhance quality of annual strategic leadership conference 
    • Partner more closely with HR to create the framework


    • Expand the engagement of the OA Community in the Common Reading Program 


    • Identify common causes with other stakeholder groups on campus 
    • University Senate: policy review and engagement e.g. COI-COC 
    • UAUO
    • SEIU
    • ASUO


2018-2019 Ongoing Goals

  1. Strengthen training, professional development, and career pathways for OAs  
  2. Empower OAs as thought partners in determining University strategic direction and initiatives 
  3. Enhance OAs’ role in shared governance by consistently placing OAs on search committees, task forces, and work groups at all levels 
  4. Improve OA onboarding by facilitating new OA connections with relevant communities of practice and interest groups

2016-2017 Short Term Goals

  1. Increase visibility and reach of strategic leadership conference
  2. Complete an update to the OA Council listening tour and produce and distribute a report
  3.  Improve communication documentation and processes for OAC membership, including ex-officio membership OA Senators and FAC
  4.  Engage with OA like entities at other institutions to review alignment of structure with needs
  5.  Facilitate access to larger OA population

2016-2017 Medium Range Goals

  1.  Identify major points from listening tour for future action
  2.  Expand the frequency, reach, and focus of the strategic leadership conference

On-going goals (previously called “long term goals”)

  1. Revisit and update our mission as needed
  2. Build community among OAs
  3. Advocate for the OA community
  4. Review, clarify, and update our website
  5. Use metrics to identify the progress of the OAC in meeting its goals

Past Goals and Accomplishments

One of the major goals of the OAC has been to track and communicate progress regarding the OA Employment Policy Review Committee. Toward that end, we are sharing the following HR links:

2013-2014 Short Term Goals
  1. Provide opportunities for OAs to share pertinent issues through listening sessions (which is a more specific version of last year’s goal to create mechanism for information gathering sessions with UO units)
  2. Develop relationships with new senior administrators (CHRO, ombudsperson, interim and incoming Provosts, and other influential leaders)
  3. Reviewing, revising, and streamlining subcommittees with one goal of providing non-OAC OAs with opportunities to participate
  4. Seek to understand the impact on OAs of faculty unionization, the new governing board, and shared governance
2013-2016 Medium Range Goals
  1. Continue to work with OA policy review committee
  2. Identify issues that OAs would like to be looked into in the coming years
  3. Raise our profile across campus so more OAs are aware of the OAC as a resource and take advantage of the networking opportunities it provides
  4. Explore ways in which we may promote the need to address equity issues at UO (to include sick leave, informal complaints/conflict guidelines, staffing levels and pay)
  5. Create and improve mechanisms for sharing information