Missed the OA Council Fall Open Meeting on Thursday, November 12?
You can watch the recording here: https://uoregon.zoom.us/rec/share/O_O5ofHQ4sYcTmcRdfVz_O-82Jgm3veJ53KtuuVVXTLil6hHKDThH0avYGyszg_t.XZVFwmB3SRHd02QZ
Passcode: WUd*eQ6=
At this meeting, the OAC shared our 2020-21 Goals and provided other updates. We heard from UO’s Wellness Ambassador Program and learned about resilience as it applies to OAs from Mariko Lin, Education and Prevention Outreach Director and Senior Staff Psychologist. Dr. Lin’s presentation was excellent. We encourage you to check it out if you missed! (Begins at 32:40).