Annual Report – 2022
Report of OAC Efforts and Goals
One of the stated goals of the OA Council for 2021-22 was to create an annual report that reflects and recaps the OAC efforts and goals of the previous year. This is the annual report for 2022.
Happy New Year from OA Council!
In the New Year, we’re reflecting on the important work of our OAs throughout campus. The OAC continues to proudly support and advocate for our OAs. Here’s a snapshot of what’s gone on since July 2021 (we did a look way-back). Please reach out to a council member if you have questions, concerns, or ideas.
Individual engagement:
The OAC has engaged with OAs in large-, medium- and small-scale ways, all in the name of advocacy and support.
- OAC assisted ~24 requests regarding concerns, questions, and ideas personally impacting OAs. These requests resulted in conversations with UO stakeholders around a number of topics including bereavement leave, benefits, and UO’s implementation of Paid Leave Oregon.
- FY22: OAC conducted two open meetings.
- Remote Fall Listening session with nearly 300 OAs. Jamie Moffitt, Sr. VP for Finance and Administration, and Mark Schmelz, Chief Human Resource Officer and VP, to discuss paid leave, pay increases, and flexible work arrangements.
- 5 Small Group Listening Spring sessions which was purely about “meeting OAs where they are” and hearing our lived experiences.
- FY23: OAC conducted its first Open Spring Hybrid meeting with Interim President Patrick Phillips. Over 140 OAs attended both in person and virtually; topics included leadership concerns, compensations & benefits, paid parental leave, retention and recruitment, and DEI.
Professional Recognition:
The OA Council recognized 12 OA Stars during 2021/22 and 2022/23 who have made an exceptional and positive impact on the UO. Through the process, OAs nominated almost 200 colleagues for consideration for this honor.
Institutional Partnership & Collaboration
Through regular, ad hoc, and executive meetings, the OAC was a key partner in advocating for crucial OA benefits and improved outcomes. Council members continue to meet with campus partners and experts on many topics affecting OAs.
- The OAC continues its dialog with HR partners about:
- Paid Leave Oregon and its impact on UO’s OAs and employee groups
- Bereavement leave
- Professional development and growth
- Pay actions
- Cohesive and consistent policy implementation across divisions and teams
Successful Outcomes:
- The OA vacation maximum was extended to October 1, 2023, thus averting an expiration of vacation hours for many OAs.
- OA Salary is consistently on the OAC’s hot-topics list with our HR partners.
- The OAC advocated for OA pay action resulting in a multi-year salary increase plan ahead of union decision outcomes.
- The OAC re-engaged HR partners to discuss the importance of shifting to an across-the-board increase from merit in FY23. The council was an influential voice among other employee group representatives.
- The OAC successfully advocated Governor Kate Brown to consider an OA for the “non-faculty staff” board of trustee position. This role was held by a classified position for two terms.
The Pulse of OAs
OAC’s Professional Development and Health and Wellness liaisons actively monitor important and timely themes affecting OAs. Keep your eyes peeled for an opinion survey coming your way in the new year.
- Recruitment and retention
- Professional development and growth
- OA Compensation
- Remote and flex work
- Health and Wellness