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OA Star Nominations!

Over the past several years, one thing has been evident: OAs across campus are rock stars! Each year, the OA Council recognizes Officers of Administration who have made an exceptional, positive impact on the University. We invite you to participate in this process by nominating up to three exceptional OAs for an OA Star Award! Honorees will be recognized at an upcoming Oregon football game.

Officers of Administration selected to receive OA Star Awards distinguish themselves by applying their professional efforts for the betterment of the entire institution and the university community. They excel not only in their positions and departments, but they also embody a spirit of collegiality and vision, working with peers and partners across departmental and divisional lines. They strive for continuous improvement by building cross-campus relationships and offering creative solutions that improve the University for all stakeholders.

Please submit nominations by Wednesday, August 24 on this Qualtrics form.

OA Vacation Maximum Extension

OA Council recognized that the upcoming vacation cap accrual expiration was a concern to many OAs. As a result of the Spring OAC listening sessions and interactions with our OA colleagues this summer, the OA Council went into action to advocate for fellow OA’s. Back in June 2020, the UO temporarily increased the vacation cap accrual from 260 hours to 340 hours as a result of the pandemic’s impact on OAs’ inability to take vacation time. This temporary cap expansion was to end September 30, 2022. Knowing that many OAs would be negatively impacted by the looming deadline, OA Council met with UO leadership asking for more insight on the impact and advocating for another option. As a result, we are pleased that the UO instituted a step down approach giving OAs, managers and teams an ability to plan thoughtfully for time off, ultimately working toward “work-life harmony” at the UO.

It’s up to all of us to know how the step down process works. On October 1, 2022, the maximum vacation accrual balance will reduce to 300 hours. On October 1, 2023 the vacation allowance will revert to the regular maximum allowance of 260.

For more information related to OA vacation accrual, visit HR’s website.

Spring 2022 Listening Session Recap

Throughout Spring term 2022, the OA Council hosted five listening sessions. The purpose of these listening sessions was to hear from OA’s about their lived work experiences, and listen to their challenges, concerns and accomplishments. The themes presented in these sessions will inform priorities for the OA Council in the next academic year.

The key themes we heard from OAs across campus were:

  • Retention and recruitment: All divisions, units and teams are doing more with less. OAs have stepped up and this has taken a toll. The University should work to become nimbler in this area to recruit and retain top OA talent.
    • OAs need to be recognized financially for taking on additional work to cover vacancies;
    • Relatively lower salaries and the rising costs of living in the Eugene and Portland regions are causing OAs to consider employment elsewhere;
    • Inability to take vacation, burnout and work balance are impacting OAs’ desire to remain in roles;
    • Open OA positions are difficult to fill;
    • A slow job offer process has caused the UO to lose competitive candidates; and
    • A desire for tools and resources to effectively and proactively retain current employees, as well as to competitively recruit talented OAs.
  • OAs would like cohesive and consistent policies to be implemented across campus. Without uniform application our OAs have experienced the following:
    • Struggle to get hybrid work approved at the unit level (this takes on immediate relevance with Oregon22 upon us); and
    • An experience of inequity within roles and teams, impacting inclusion and belonging.
  • Professional development: OAs continue to grow and look to the future of their professional goals. Requests include:
    • Clarity regarding the OA Job Family Framework; and
    • Increased access to professional development opportunities

Spring 2022 Listening Session Invite

Throughout Spring term, the OA Council is hosting informal listening sessions across campus and virtually. We invite all OAs to drop in to a listening session that works with their schedule, stay for as long as you would like.

There is no need to RSVP for a listening session. If you would like to add the listening session to your calendar, you can download the calendar invites here. If you would prefer to provide your feedback in writing, please contact an OA Council member directly.

Fall 2021 Open Meeting Summary & Recording

We had nearly 300 OAs attend our Fall Open Meeting with Jamie Moffitt, Vice President for Finance and Administration, and Mark Schmelz, Chief Human Resource Officer, to discuss paid leave, pay increases, and flexible work arrangements. Below is a link to the recording and summary of issues currently affecting OAs.

You can view the meeting recording by following this link: 

 Access Passcode: OAC2021! 

OA Feedback Themes: 

OA Paid Leave

  • Appreciation for extra days off at the end of term
  • Concern around the extra days off related to Christian holiday; would like an option to have floating holidays for flexibility
  • Desire to allow OAs to cash out unused vacation time
  • Desire to for equitable departmental policy and support for OAs to take well-earned leave especially in lieu of having a large vacation accrual

OA Pay Increases

  • General appreciation for a salary increase
  • Concern that merit and cost of living increases do not keep up with inflation
  • Questions about hazard pay for folks who have been working on campus throughout pandemic
  • Desire for equitable and consistent evaluation process to determine merit increase
  • Request that routine cost of living should be given across the board with an additional merit increase for lower salary OAs (non-executive)
  • After a year of salary reductions and freeze, combined with the increase in cost of living, retention of talented OAs is an issue across campus
  • Frustration with inequitable salaries and titles for similar duties across campus
  • Loss of OAs and slow hiring process creating increased workload and stress on remaining employees
  • Concern expressed about salaries at the UO not aligning with the increased housing costs in the area—affecting retention at UO

Flexible/Remote Work Options

  • Many departments are short staffed and there is a desire to provide additional flexibility and support from leadership to retain current employees
  • Concern and questions about GE positions returning. There’s a lack of understanding about if/when this will happen
  • Talented employees are leaving the University for more desirable remote positions
  • Remote work should not be viewed as a perk, work should be evaluated based on performance and student needs, regardless of work location
  • Unequitable roll out of flexible work arrangements across divisions and departments affecting morale and retention
  • Allowing flexible work options will help retain employees and support their wellness, health and performance
  • A recognition that a lot of jobs, tasks, projects, and work were performed well while employees were working remotely during COVID. These roles should be considered for remote and flex work as we progress out of pandemic restrictions
  • Vivian Olum Child Care Center is experiencing employee retention issues, impacting child care issues for UO’s staff and faculty

OA Professional Advancement

  • OAs approaching retirement need to be encouraged to cross train and encourage development opportunities for mid- and early career OAs
  • Policies that allow retirees to return part-time are a disincentive for future growth of emerging OA leaders
  • Professional development needs to be planned for, prioritized, and consistent within departments and divisions
  • OAs need central HR to provide clear and equitable policies and understanding of what “expansion of duties” means and how to proceed
  • UO needs to consider its employee experience strategy. Employee satisfaction and wellness directly impact every area of our institution; ultimately, it will trickle into the student experience. If we want to create positive, meaningful, and transformative student experiences, we must offer the same experiences for employees.

Fall 2021 Open Meeting

You are invited to the OAC Fall open meeting scheduled for Monday, November 8th, from 2:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. on Zoom. During the meeting we will discuss:

-OA Paid Leave; OA Vacation Cap, COVID Sick Leave, Holidays

-OA pay increases

-Flexible work arrangements

-OA retention and career progression

The agenda for the meeting is below:

2:00 p.m. – 2:15 p.m. OAC Updates and Housekeeping

2:15 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. Q&A with Jamie Moffit, CFO, and Mark Schmelz, CHRO

3:00 p.m. – 3:20 p.m. Questions and Debrief  with Mark Schmelz and OAC

3:20 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. Closing Comments

The Zoom link for the meeting is:

Winter 2021 Listening Session

We would like to hear what is on your mind as the UO prepares to navigate a post-pandemic world. We have also invited our partners in Human Resources to attend and hear your thoughts. Please save the date for a special OA Council Listening Session!

Thursday, February 18
2:00 – 3:00 p.m.
Meeting ID: 955 3416 9957

Fall 2020 Open Meeting

Missed the OA Council Fall Open Meeting on Thursday, November 12?

You can watch the recording here:

Passcode: WUd*eQ6=

At this meeting, the OAC shared our 2020-21 Goals and provided other updates. We heard from UO’s Wellness Ambassador Program and learned about resilience as it applies to OAs from Mariko Lin, Education and Prevention Outreach Director and Senior Staff Psychologist. Dr. Lin’s presentation was excellent. We encourage you to check it out if you missed! (Begins at 32:40).

Officer of Administration Listening Session June 30, 2020

Winter 2020 Open Meeting

All OAs are invited to our Winter Open Meeting. Here are the details:

When: March 11, 1:30 – 3:00 pm
Where: Ford Alumni Center Ballroom


  • OA Council Business
  • Provost Patrick Phillips will deliver remarks and answer your questions.

We hope to see you there!

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